Development of Healthcare Service and Medical Robot using Artificial Intelligence
Period : 2022-03-01 ~ 2023-12-31
Total Budget : 616,000,000 원
Goal of This Project
As the elderly population increases in society, there is an increasing demand for the development of medical robot devices that can help the elderly and the disabled live independently or help them rehabilitate walking.
Currently developed medical robot devices satisfy walking rehabilitation to some extent and enable daily life, but there are no control techniques tailored to the characteristics of various people, so muscle development is restricted during walking training or rehabilitation.
To solve this problem, we will conduct a joint project with overseas institutions to study leading artificial intelligence technology and medical robot device design technology, and further cultivate global talents with competitive medical robot design and control technology in Korea.

Project Contents
Through a joint project with overseas institutions, we intend to develop healthcare or medical robot device technology using AI Technology
- Analysis of the behavior and walking characteristics of the elderly and the disabled, data collection and big data for medical robot device
- Development of Data-Driven Estimation Model through Collected Big Data
- Development of machine learning-based rehabilitation and walking assistance device control technology
- Development of Intentional Sensing and Inference Techniques for Human Behavior