Joonhyun Kim

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I’m interested in AI and robot control theory.
I have experience in supervised learning using Classical ML/DL techniques,
and based on these, I am working on a project to apply them to Robot Control and Optimize various parameters.
Research interests
- Machine/Deep Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Robot Control Theory
- (2017.03~2023.02) B.S. Robotics Engineering, Hanyang University(ERICA)
- (2023.03~present) M.S. Candidate, Applied Artificial Intelligence, Hanyang University(Seoul)
- Development of the Stewart Platform Suspension Algorithm for Automobile
- Development of Solution FOR Personalized GAIT Control and Performance Evaluation of Lower-limb Robotic Exoskeleton Through Artificial Intelligence / Big Data
- Development of the IMU Based GAIT Phase Prediction Model using CNN Model
- Vision Sensor-based Golf Swing Motion Estimation
- 3D point cloud human object detection algorithm using 2D lidar