Young Robot Engineer - W.Kim
/Excerpts from “Robot Newspaper”
The “Young Robot Engineer” section is a series jointly organized by the Korea Robotics Association and the Robot Newspaper and is designed to discover and introduce young robotics engineers who will lead the Korean robot industry in the future.
Born in 1986, he graduated from Bucheon High School, graduated from Hanyang University’s ERICA Mechanical Engineering Department, went to the graduate school’s master’s and doctorate integration course in March 2008, and received a doctorate in mechanical engineering in February 2015. From August 2006 to February 2008, he was an intern researcher at Hanyang University’s Advanced Robotics Lab, and from March 2008 to February 2015, he participated in the development of four-legged robots and the development of exoskeleton robots. After graduating from Ph.D., he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Hanyang University’s ERICA Campus Engineering Research Institute (Professor Han Chang-soo) for one year from March 2015 to February 2016, and at the IIT: Istito Italiano di Tecnologia for about five years from May 2016 to February 2021. He is a freshman professor who has been working as an assistant professor of robotics at Hanyang University’s ERICA campus since March this year.
Major areas of interest include cooperative robots or physical human-robot interactions (pHRI), human-robot collaboration, public control, ergonomics, human modeling, feedback devices, and exoskeleton robots. During his time at IIT, he participated in the Horizon-2020 project “SOPHIA” and the European Research Association project “Ergo-lean”, and contributed to the development of a number of exoskeleton robot research (wearable robots for industrial field worker support) in Korea. He won the 2014 ICCAS Best Paper Presentation Award, the 2015 Hanyang University Best Doctor Paper Award, the 2018 KUKA Innovation Award, and the 2019 Italian Solution Award.